I love that metallic is back in since I am starting to see some replica designer handbags I really like. Coach has a number of metallic gold bags including the Soho Dusted Suede Small Tortilla. Though I looked at this bag in the store today and it looks like the kind of suede that would scuff and look worn quite easily.
The gucci evening bags in my favorite of the gold collection because I have a new pair of shoes that would match nicely.
The Signature Lurex Framed Purse is my second favorite but I wish they had one without the signature “c’s” since I’m getting a little tired of that look.
Speaking of Coach: Money in the gucci wristlet.
This evening, with metallic bags still on my brain, I was reading the Celebrity Baby Blog and saw Teri Hatcher carrying a similar gold bag. Anyone recognize the designer?
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